Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Party time?

The title says it all. I have to spill on what happened yesterday because it was just sooo funny!

I hear the doorbell and am not expecting anyone, so I run to get it...all the while thinking it's going to be a salesman asking me if they can clean my carpet for the hundredth time this week...

I open the door to find a nice young man there ready to come into my house! Upon closer inspection I realize...wait a second!? Is that a Willoughby? I'm pretty sure that's a Willoughby...

"Hey," said Willoughby says, "is this where the party's at?"


"Um, no, sorry. We're not partying here right now." I laugh. *If he only knew...*

"Oh, well can you tell me where the party is?" So polite he asks, fully expecting me to know.

"Sorry hon, I didn't even know there was a party anywhere!" Laughing again.

"Oh, well, there is a party and someone said it was here..." Looks around for the first time and shrugs.

Then I proceeded to go out and talk to his mom and laugh because this was what I needed yesterday as a break. It was so funny.

We're leaving for vacation for 2 weeks. I'm so excited! It's a good thing he didn't barge in or anything because he would have been acosted by laundry anywhere he turned in my house right now. LOL


Kristina P. said...

That is so funny! I hope you have a great vacation.

Sheri, RN said...

That is funny! LOL Hope he found the party :) Also, hope you have a great vacation!

vaxhacker said...

tweens and teens are famous for sending and receiving message details to each other, aren't they? Hence the word we often get from our local Scoutmaster... "I sent all the full details home with your sons, but all things considered, here are all the correct and complete details again." :)

I really feel for this young man, though... dang. From what I hear, the party is actually on a different day at another household whose name sounds similar to yours. Hence the confusion.

Tonya said...

What a funny story! Makes for a great blog post:0) Have a fabulous vacation. That's why we LOVE summer!!!